
New Schedule, Plus a Special Post Announcement

In the middle of editing magnet photos, but I really wanted to write a blog post about how I've changed my routine, so here we go.

But First - Liz from The Meetup asked me to write a special blog post earlier in the month and it's just about ready to be posted here. I'm hoping to post it by Monday, so keep an eye out! 

Over the weekend things kind of hit me and I realized just how stressed out I've been lately. I've been working pretty much 24/7 on both job searching and fallenpeach and but in a pretty scattered manner. I decided that it's time to actually make myself a routine so that I don't get too stressed out and so that I get more done. So I figured out the things I want to work on this week and have allotted a certain amount of time for each in the day - starting around 8 and ending around 5. If I'm feeling ambitious, I suppose I could spend the day working on just one project, but this way if I'm feeling stressed I can hop projects and still get things done.

What about you? Do you have a routine you stick to? Or do you just go with the flow?

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