Wednesday already? I had a mini-break down early in the week and I'm not sure that I've accomplished all I could but that is about to change. I have a lot on my to do list and I need to take it in pieces.
Yesterday: I had a meeting with a freelance client, I re-organized my budget and I crossed some smaller things off my list.
Today: I plan on enjoying this beautiful weather with a walk or hike, working on my freelance assignment and, at some point, watching Lost from last night.
Tomorrow: I need to start working on another sort of secret project (will any of these come to fruition?), and will continue working on the freelance project if necessary. I also have class tomorrow night and I would like to keep working through the money book I bought earlier in the week.
What about you? What are your short term goals this week? Anything exciting planned for St. Patty's Day?
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