
fallenpeach is Featured! plus Charleston

Friday I was featured on a blog by Sarah of Titchables, so if you've ever wanted to know a little more about me check out the interview! It was fun to answer her questions and think more about why I do what I do, expect further revelations on this blog soon most likely.

 Additionally, over the weekend I found out that my lovely Vespa Greeting Card was featured in a Treasury all about things from Charleston, SC. Charleston is my favorite city that I've been to and I love this photograph, so it was great to see it featured.

In other news it is Monday and a week away from the beginning of August (eek). My to do lists are getting longer, which is both good and bad. I've been able to keep up with them but not if they continue to grow each day. I need to re-center myself I think. Today is a day for mellow music and getting things done.

How are you feeling this Monday morning?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooh that's so exciting! I'm gonna go read it!
ps. I just saw your post about the Money book. I'm gonna check it out.


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