
Meetup: February 2011

January was a hugely consistent month for me. My business moved a bit slowly, but I was able to set goals, keep them and maintain a regular schedule for myself.  It helps that my retail hours have been the same every day for the past month, here's hoping when they change I can keep a schedule going. Ginger, the kitty above, is one of the cats in the house. She makes the cutest noises ever. This photo may be my photo for this week, so you may see it again. I'm not sure yet though.

Things I accomplished in January: consistently listed three items a week in the shop, also blogged three times a week, kept up with me Photo a Week project, worked on the new blog setup over at Wordpress (it's still in progress but coming along nicely), added Yoga/Wii Fit exercise into my schedule three times a week. I also started a "Thankful" journal and have been adding entries at least once a week, but more often when things occur to me. I was able to get up early every day and get things done before work and overall I am super happy and proud of myself for my accomplishments last month even though they were not huge. 

February Goals

- keep up with things in place from January (listing, yoga and blogging three times a week plus photo project)
- February Newsletter, due out sometime mid-month.
- continue work on Wordpress site, hopefully soft launch end of February if not sooner
- finish pricing for graphic design and custom artwork so that we can list as options in our shop.
- start sorting through rest of road trip photos, work on new bookmarks and card ideas.

I'm keeping it short and sweet for February with the hope that I can focus my energy and get the Wordpress site complete sooner.

If you would like to join in the Meetup goal fun, visit Liz at Athena Dreams for more information.


Anonymous said...

I am also planning on getting a wordpress site together soon, it will probably feature in my March goals, so I am very interested in how that goes for you. I hope everthing goes great!

Liz said...

Lindsey, sounds like January was a totally awesome, calm, nurturing and productive month for you, I love those months! So yay for continuing the flow into February and hope you have a really great month, again.

Cindy Jones Lantier said...

Love the picture of Ginger. She's a cutie! Good for you for your consistency in January. It's so important to getting our goals accomplished. Good luck with February.


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