
Don't mind the Mess


 I realize I just changed my blog the other day but TODAY Blogger released new templates and such so I had to play around with it! I changed my layout again and I'd like feedback again, if you could be so generous :D

I still have to change the top part where the links are, but I have a few things that need to be done first before I can play more in blogger. So don't mind the mess as I fix a few things here and there.

Also - no questions have come in yet - ask away readers!!


missDDT said...

I like the color scheme and it matches your logo design PERFECTLY! Have you tried using three columns in the new Blogger Design service? I think it will even everything out.

Anna said...

I liked the three column format of the first new one, and the white background (which coordinates with your main website).

On the other hand, I like the orange-y-ness of this one and the streamlined look. Both are nice! :) Depends what kind of overall look you're going for.

Jane said...

I like this one! It goes really well with your banner and is very clear to read.

Lindsey said...

thanks guys. :)

I agree, Anna, and I'm not really sure yet which I want to go with. But this layout does what I wanted to do before which is bring color to the blog.. so I think I'll keep it for a bit at least :D

Lindsey said...

missDDT - the three column setup makes for very narrow side columns that don't look right to me, unfortunately. I may play with it in the HTML, but for now I think I'll keep this :) thanks!


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