I did not go to the bookstore intending to buy a money book of any kind. We were there, originally, to look at baking books for my boyfriend. I popped over to business just to look and discovered The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Timers, and the Self-Employed and had to flip through it.
The first thing that made me think I should probably buy this book was the language. It's easy to understand and very well written. You don't have to be a math expert, a business expert or anything like that to understand the concepts and processes that the authors guide you through in the book.
The thing that clinched it for me, I guess, was realizing that if this is what I would like to try and do for a living, then I should probably figure out how to work my finances so that it works out for me.
I dove right into the book, once home, and read it all the way through in a couple days. I decided a little ways in that I would read it through once and then read it through again and do the exercises / take notes / etc. I just started my second read through and so far so good.
What's great about this book is that it really shows you what you should be saving for and how to do it when your paychecks are erratic. It also has a couple chapters on debt and how to save to get out of debt.
Ultimately, I really do recommend this book. I think it will really help me organize my finances better and I'm excited to get started.
hey thanks for sharing this book :) i really should be thinking about this kind of thing!
dear lindsey:
thanks for the review. would you guys be willing to do a guest post on our blog/facebook page about being a freelancer and money ups and downs? doesn't have to be fancy. reach out via the website.
thank you again for this,
joe and denise
the money book for freelancers...
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